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  • The Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience goes international

The Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience goes international


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  • The 11th edition of the Workshop organized by IMDEA Nanociencia is attended by young researchers from 6 different countries.
  • IMDEA Nanociencia closes the 11th edition with three prizes, thanks to the Madrid Section of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry.
  • The Workshop is aimed for early career scientist to share their research, engage in scientific discussions and expand their network.

Madrid, December 3rd, 2021. With more than 160 attendees from 6 different countries, this 11th edition has become the most international of the Early Stage Researchers Workshop in Nanoscience (11ESRW). The Workshop was held online on the 1st of December with 12 talks divided in four thematic sections covering different aspects of Nanoscience: Photophysics, Nanomedicine, Quantum Materials and Surface Science, and Materials. The plenary lectures were presented by Dr. Pablo Merino (ICMM-CSIC) and Dr. Beatriz Pelaz (CiQUS-USC). In parallel, a poster session took place online, with a poster wall where presenters and attendees could comment on the communications. In total, 48 posters were presented.

The 11ESRW broke attendance records. Among the over 160 attendees from 21 different institutions there were PhD students from Belgium, USA, Moldova or Ecuador. In total, young researchers from 6 countries assisted from public research institutions including institutions from all the national territory (Universidad de Sevilla, Universidad de Aragón, Instituto de Nanociencia de Materiales de Aragón…). The Early Stage Researchers Workshop is an initiative of IMDEA Nanociencia that began in 2010 with the purpose of bringing together early career scientists from different disciplines to present their research work in the field of Nanoscience to the public for the first time. Currently, the workshop is organized by and for young researchers, and the objective is to encourage participation in the dissemination of science, create academic links and strengthen collaborations among future research pledges.

premios 11esrwThe workshop, organized by a committee of researchers –Dr. Ana Pizarro, Prof. David Écija, Dr. Gorka Salas and Prof. Emilio M. Pérez- and staff from IMDEA Nanociencia, was introduced by Director Prof. Rodolfo Miranda, who sent positive and encouraging messages to all young attendants. During the closing ceremony, the best contributions were awarded with prizes, sponsored by the Madrid Section of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry. The Best Poster Communication award went to Jorge González, PhD student at Juan Cabanillas’ ‘Organic Photophysics and Photonics’ group at IMDEA Nanociencia. The Best Oral Communication prize was awarded to Ana Arché, PhD student at Teresa Gonzalez’s Molecular Electronics group at IMDEA Nanociencia. Arché was awarded with a signed copy by the author “Científico en España” book, by initiative of the Projects Office at IMDEA Nanociencia.

There was a third award for the Best Twitter Poster Communication for Saül García Orrit. The #ESRW Twitter Scientific Session was organized over the Twitter social network by the initiative of the Projects Office with the purpose of bringing the participants together to communicate their results and increase their participation in diverse dissemination channels such is social media.

The high participation to the workshop is partially a consequence of the format chosen –online without registration fee-, that encourages the foreign students participation. The adaptation to the new celebration formats forced by the pandemic has facilitated a massive participation with an intense activity in the interactive poster wall and the translation to the social media platforms. In Twitter there has been 19 poster posts, all tagged with the hashtag of the event #ESRW.

The next edition of the Early Stage Researchers Workshop is expected to be in June 2022, with the format yet to be defined, but with a strong desire to become a face-to-face again.

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IMDEA Nanociencia Outreach Office
divulgacion.nanociencia [at]imdea.org
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Facebook: @imdeananociencia
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Source: IMDEA Nanociencia