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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Iron oxide-manganese oxide nanoparticles with tunable morphology and switchable MRI contrast mode triggered by intracellular conditions

García-Soriano D., Milán-Rois P., Lafuente-Gómez N., Navío C., Gutiérrez L., Cussó L., Desco M., Calle D., Somoza Á., Salas G.
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science , 2022 , 613 , 447 460 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2022.01.070

Cove-Edged Hexa-peri-hexabenzo-bis-peri-octacene: Molecular Conformations and Amplified Spontaneous Emission

Gu Y., Vega-Mayoral V., Garcia-Orrit S., Schollmeyer D., Narita A., Cabanillas-González J., Qiu Z., Müllen K.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition , 2022 , 61 ,DOI: 10.1002/anie.202201088

Pure Boric Acid Does Not Show Room-Temperature Phosphorescence (RTP)

Wu Z., Roldao J.C., Rauch F., Friedrich A., Ferger M., Würthner F., Gierschner J., Marder T.B.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition , 2022 , 61 ,DOI: 10.1002/anie.202200599

Z-α1-antitrypsin polymers impose molecular filtration in the endoplasmic reticulum after undergoing phase transition to a solid state

Chambers J.E., Zubkov N., Kubánková M., Nixon-Abell J., Mela I., Abreu S., Schwiening M., Lavarda G., López-Duarte I., Dickens J.A., Torres T., Kaminski C.F., Holt L.J., Avezov E., Huntington J.A., St George-Hyslop P., Kuimova M.K., Marciniak S.J.
Science Advances , 2022 , 8 ,DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.abm2094

Amplification-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 using gold nanotriangles functionalized with oligonucleotides

del Caño R., García-Mendiola T., García-Nieto D., Álvaro R., Luna M., Iniesta H.A., Coloma R., Diaz C.R., Milán-Rois P., Castellanos M., Abreu M., Cantón R., Galán J.C., Pineda T., Pariente F., Miranda R., Somoza Á., Lorenzo E.
Microchimica Acta , 2022 , 189 ,DOI: 10.1007/s00604-022-05272-y

Effect of Clinically Used Microtubule Targeting Drugs on Viral Infection and Transport Function

Oliva M.Á., Tosat-Bitrián C., Barrado-Gil L., Bonato F., Galindo I., Garaigorta U., Álvarez-Bernad B., París-Ogáyar R., Lucena-Agell D., Giménez-Abián J.F., García-Dorival I., Urquiza J., Gastaminza P., Díaz J.F., Palomo V., Alonso C.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences , 2022 , 23 ,DOI: 10.3390/ijms23073448

Versatile Near-Infrared Super-Resolution Imaging of Amyloid Fibrils with the Fluorogenic Probe CRANAD-2

Torra J., Viela F., Megías D., Sot B., Flors C.
Chemistry - A European Journal , 2022 , 28 ,DOI: 10.1002/chem.202200026

A Water-Soluble Organic Photocatalyst Discovered for Highly Efficient Additive-Free Visible-Light-Driven Grafting of Polymers from Proteins at Ambient and Aqueous Environments

Lee Y., Kwon Y., Kim Y., Yu C., Feng S., Park J., Doh J., Wannemacher R., Koo B., Gierschner J., Kwon M.S.
Advanced Materials , 2022 , 34 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.202108446

Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes as an Additive in Organic Photovoltaics: Effects on Carrier Generation and Recombination Dynamics

Abudulimu A., Eckstein K., Gemayel M.E., Namal I., Phillips A.B., Ellingson R.J., Heben M.J., Hertel T., Meier S.B., Lüer L.
Solar RRL , 2022 , 6 ,DOI: 10.1002/solr.202101010

Electrochemiluminescent nanostructured DNA biosensor for SARS-CoV-2 detection

Gutiérrez-Gálvez L., del Caño R., Menéndez-Luque I., García-Nieto D., Rodríguez-Peña M., Luna M., Pineda T., Pariente F., García-Mendiola T., Lorenzo E.
Talanta , 2022 , 240 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.123203

Laccase bioconjugate and multi-walled carbon nanotubes-based biosensor for bisphenol A analysis

Bravo I., Prata M., Torrinha Á., Delerue-Matos C., Lorenzo E., Morais S.
Bioelectrochemistry , 2022 , 144 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.bioelechem.2021.108033

New insights into structure/optical waveguide behavior relationships in linear bisethynylbenzenes

Tardío C., Álvarez-Conde J., Torres-Moya I., Rodríguez A.M., de la Hoz A., Cabanillas-González J., Prieto P.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2022 , 10 , 6411 6418 ,DOI: 10.1039/d2tc00173j

The cobalt oxidation state in preferential CO oxidation on CoOx/Pt(111) investigated by operando X-ray photoemission spectroscopy

Rattigan E., Sun Z., Gallo T., Nino M.A., Parreiras S.d.O., Martín-Fuentes C., Martin-Romano J.C., Écija D., Escudero C., Villar I., Rodríguez-Fernández J., Lauritsen J.V.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2022 , 24 , 9236 9246 ,DOI: 10.1039/d2cp00399f

Conical intersection and coherent vibrational dynamics in alkyl iodides captured by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy

Chang K.F., Wang H., Poullain S.M., González-Vázquez J., Bañares L., Prendergast D., Neumark D.M., Leone S.R.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2022 , 156 ,DOI: 10.1063/5.0086775

Scattering effects from neighboring atoms in core-level WSe2 photoemission

Ambrosio M.J., Plésiat E., Decleva P., Echenique P.M., Díez Muiño R., Martín F.
Physical Review B , 2022 , 105 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.125405

Vibrationally resolved photoelectron angular distributions of ammonia

González-Collado C.M., Plésiat E., Decleva P., Palacios A., Martín F.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2022 , 24 , 7700 7712 ,DOI: 10.1039/d2cp00627h

Following the light: 3D-printed COF@poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) dual emissive composite with response to polarity and acidity

Martínez-Fernández M., Gavara R., Royuela S., Fernández-Ecija L., Martínez J.I., Zamora F., Segura J.L.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A , 2022 , 10 , 4634 4643 ,DOI: 10.1039/d1ta09614a

Potential application of metallacarboranes as an internal reference: an electrochemical comparative study to ferrocene

Xavier J.A.M., Viñas C., Lorenzo E., García-Mendiola T., Teixidor F.
Chemical Communications , 2022 , 58 , 4196 4199 ,DOI: 10.1039/d2cc00424k

Interaction of chiral l-dialanine with Cu(100)

Martín Romano J.C., Casado Aguilar P., Vázquez de Parga A.L., Garnica M., Rodríguez de la Fuente O., Rojo J.M., Niño M.A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2022 , 24 , 8022 8031 ,DOI: 10.1039/d1cp05297g

Electronic properties of germanene on pristine and defective MoS2: A first-principles study

Lv P., Silva-Guillén J.Á., Rudenko A.N., Yuan S.
Physical Review B , 2022 , 105 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.105.094111