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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Electronic Conductance and Thermopower of Cross-Conjugated and Skipped-Conjugated Molecules in Single-Molecule Junctions

Salthouse R.J., Hurtado-Gallego J., Grace I.M., Davidson R., Alshammari O., Agraït N., Lambert C.J., Bryce M.R.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00742

2D Cu(I)-I Coordination Polymer with Smart Optoelectronic Properties and Photocatalytic Activity as a Versatile Multifunctional Material

Murillo M., Wannemacher R., Cabanillas-González J., Rodríguez-Mendoza U.R., Gonzalez-Platas J., Liang A., Turnbull R., Errandonea D., Lifante-Pedrola G., García-Hernán A., Martínez J.I., Amo-Ochoa P.
Inorganic Chemistry , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c00616

Large Magnetoresistance of Isolated Domain Walls in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 Nanowires

Orfila G., Sanchez-Manzano D., Arora A., Cuellar F., Ruiz-Gómez S., Rodriguez-Corvillo S., López S., Peralta A., Carreira S.J., Gallego F., Tornos J., Rouco V., Riquelme J.J., Munuera C., Mompean F.J., Garcia-Hernandez M., Sefrioui Z., Villegas J.E., Perez L., Rivera-Calzada A., Leon C., Valencia S., Santamaria J.
Advanced Materials , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.202211176

Förster Resonance Energy Transfer Sensitized Singlet Fission in BODIPY-Pentacene Dimer Conjugates

Wollny A.-S., Lavarda G., Papadopoulos I., López-Duarte I., Gotfredsen H., Hou Y., Tykwinski R.R., Torres T., Guldi D.M.
Advanced Optical Materials , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1002/adom.202300500

Ultrafast lattice disordering can be accelerated by electronic collisional forces

de la Peña Muñoz G.A., Correa A.A., Yang S., Delaire O., Huang Y., Johnson A.S., Katayama T., Krapivin V., Pastor E., Reis D.A., Teitelbaum S., Vidas L., Wall S., Trigo M.
Nature Physics , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1038/s41567-023-02118-z

Estimating the heating of complex nanoparticle aggregates for magnetic hyperthermia

Ortega-Julia J., Ortega D., Leliaert J.
Nanoscale , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1039/d3nr01269g

Nanographene-Based Decoration as a Panchromatic Antenna for Metalloporphyrin Conjugates

Garcia-Orrit S., Vega-Mayoral V., Chen Q., Serra G., Paternò G.M., Cánovas E., Narita A., Müllen K., Tommasini M., Cabanillas-González J.
Small , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1002/smll.202301596

Curved Nanographenes: Multiple Emission, Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence, and Non-Radiative Decay

Ramírez-Barroso S., Romeo-Gella F., Fernández-García J.M., Feng S., Martínez-Fernández L., García-Fresnadillo D., Corral I., Martín N., Wannemacher R.
Advanced Materials , 2023 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.202212064

Ferrite nanoparticles for hyperthermia

Santana-Otero A., Gómez-Cerezo D., Lozano-Pedraza C., López-Méndez R., Sanz-de Diego E., Ortega-Juliá J., Espinosa A., Teran F.J., Ortega D.
Ferrite Nanostructured Magnetic Materials: Technologies and Applications , 2023 , 775 803 ,DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823717-5.00031-0

Nanostructured ferrite materials for theranostics

Oluwasamni A., Santana-Otero A., Soenen S., Manshian B., Hoskins C., Ortega D.
Ferrite Nanostructured Magnetic Materials: Technologies and Applications , 2023 , 805 829 ,DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-823717-5.00055-3

Attosecond delays between dissociative and non-dissociative ionization of polyatomic molecules

Gong X., Plésiat É., Palacios A., Heck S., Martín F., Wörner H.J.
Nature Communications , 2023 , 14 ,DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-40120-4

Hard X-ray emission spectroscopy in liquids using MHz XFEL source and JUNGFRAU detectors

Biednov M., Yousef H., Otte F., Choi T.-K., Jiang Y., Frankenberger P., Knoll M., Zalden P., Ramilli M., Gawelda W., Canton S.E., Lima F.A., Milne C., Khakhulin D.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment , 2023 , 1055 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2023.168540

Perylenemonoimide-subphthalocyanine derivatives: Synthesis, characterization and photovoltaic performance as non-fullerene acceptors in bulk heterojunction solar cells

Labella J., García-Calvo J., Ramírez-Como M., Pallares J., Marsal L.F., Torres T.
Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines , 2023 , 27 , 1441 1447 ,DOI: 10.1142/S1088424623501110

Stark control of multiphoton ionization through Freeman resonances in alkyl iodides

Casasús I.M., Corrales M.E., Murillo-Sánchez M.L., Marggi Poullain S., de Oliveira N., Limão-Vieira P., Bañares L.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2023 , 159 ,DOI: 10.1063/5.0161628

Photodissociation dynamics of methylamine in the blue edge of the A-band. II. The NH2 + CH3 channel

Cachón J., Recio P., Zanchet A., Marggi Poullain S., Bañares L.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2023 , 159 ,DOI: 10.1063/5.0159855

Spin Crossover-Assisted Modulation of Electron Transport in a Single-Crystal 3D Metal-Organic Framework

Martinez-Martinez A., Resines-Urien E., Piñeiro-López L., Fernández-Blanco A., Lorenzo Mariano A., Albalad J., Maspoch D., Poloni R., Rodríguez-Velamazán J.A., Sañudo E.C., Burzurí E., Sánchez Costa J.
Chemistry of Materials , 2023 , 35 , 6012 6023 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01049

Synthesis and Characterization of Bulky Substituted Hemihexaphyrazines Bearing 2,6-Diisopropylphenoxy Groups

Ivanov E.N., Almeida-Marrero V., Koifman O.I., Aleksandriiskii V.V., Torres T., Islyaikin M.K.
Molecules , 2023 , 28 ,DOI: 10.3390/molecules28155740

Min oscillations in bacteria as real-time reporter of environmental challenges at the single-cell level

Ortega I.V., Viela F., Flors C.
Open Biology , 2023 , 13 ,DOI: 10.1098/rsob.230020

Charge fluctuations, phonons, and superconductivity in multilayer graphene

Li Z., Kuang X., Jimeno-Pozo A., Sainz-Cruz H., Zhan Z., Yuan S., Guinea F.
Physical Review B , 2023 , 108 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.108.045404

An ab initio study of the photodissociation of CH2I and CH2I+

Bouallagui A., Zanchet A., Bañares L., García-Vela A.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2023 , 25 , 20365 20372 ,DOI: 10.1039/d3cp01460f