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Language Tools for Effective Scientific Writing

Fabiola Barraclough
Interglobe Language Links
Tuesday, 18 May 2021 10:00

trainings languagetools 2021

The objective of the workshop is to help researchers improve their writing skills in English within the context of scientific writing; acquire tools to produce clear, concise and reader-friendly texts; perfect grammar, structure and style; analyse and edit real-life examples; and produce and present real texts and carry out peer review.

The training will be eminently practical and will consist of 10 modules with video tutorials, downloadable pdf files and practical tasks, all on an online learning platform. You will have one month to complete it.

Training content

  • Modules 1,2,3: Effective writing Abstract Introduction
  • Modules 4, 5: material & methods, results
  • Modules 6,7: Discussion & conclusion Title, figures & tables
  • Modules 8, 9, 10: Other useful language Streamlining & editing Writer’s workshop.